Monday, April 16, 2012

Brown Bag Lunch #2: The Governor, the Legislature & Your Retirement

LAJUICE (Louisianians Against Jindal's Unjust Intentionally Created Emergency) and friends have been hosting a series of Brown Bag Lunches in Capitol Park in Baton Rouge during the current session of the Louisiana Legislature.

Each week, we have a few speakers come in and address aspects of public policy issues up for consideration during this session.

The second Brown Bag Lunch (March 23) focused on the Jindal administration's proposed changes in the state employee retirement system. Speakers for the event were Fran Jobert, executive director of the Retired State Employees Association of Louisiana. Here are video excerpts of their presentations.

Here's Frank Jobert discussing HB-51 and SB-53:

Lafayette attorney Lester Gauthier discusses legal and constitutional ramifications of the proposed changes in the state employee retirement system.

Gauthier concluded his presentation with a parable about the proposed changes:

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